Simple Unit Tests With AngularJS

For those of you that have company sites that still use AngularJs 1.3 - 1.6, heres a short help on how to unit test your code.

One of the benefits of using AngularJS is the ability to unit test the JavaScript code in a complex application. Unit testing is incredibly easy for trivial cases when controllers and models are declared in global scope. However unit testing is slightly more challenging for objects defined inside of Angular modules because of the need to bootstrap modules, work with a dependency injector, and deal with the subtleties of nested functional code. 

Let’s try to test the following controller defined in a module:

(function (app) {
    var SimpleController = function ($scope) {
        $scope.x = 3;
        $scope.y = 4;
        $scope.doubleIt = function () {
            $scope.x *= 2;
            $scope.y *= 2;
             ["$scope", SimpleController]);

We’ll be using AngularJS mocks and Jasmine in an HTML page, which requires the following scripts:

- jasmine.js

- jasmine-html.js

- angular.js

- angular-mocks.js

- simpleController.js (where the controller lives)

It’s important to include the Jasmine scripts before including angular-mocks, as angular-mocks will enable some additional features when Jasmine is present (notably the helper methods module and inject).

describe("myApp", function() {
    describe("SimpleController", function() {
        var scope;
        beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
            scope = $rootScope.$new();
            $controller("SimpleController", {
                $scope: scope
        it("should double the numbers", function() {